Should Berenstain Bears get a 3rd series? If so, maybe it would be like Wednesday on Netflix, Disney+ Goosebumps series. Other characters from the books like Bonnie Brown would appear.
Should Berenstain Bears get a 3rd series? If so, maybe it would be like Wednesday on Netflix, Disney+ Goosebumps series. Other characters from the books like Bonnie Brown would appear.
How about Disney.
That is one way of looking at it.
I would not know; I didn't see much of the series.
Does anyone know what the 1st Big Chapter Book was, and which was the last?
I remember The Big Chapter Books, they were good. Maybe there could be a series based on those books. Maybe by PBS, Nick, or Disney.
I wish they made TV specials or series based on the Big Chapter Books. I liked those books, and sadly there are some I did not get a chance to read. I would either buy them from the bookstore, or barrowed them from the library. My 1st was The Red Handed Thief.
Same here. I am just sad there are some books I have not read. I remember reading mostly the Big Chapter Books when I got older.
Remember Arthur? Based on Marc Browns books, Arthur was PBS's longest running series. It has ended after 25 seasons. The final episode was All Grown Up, Arthur was an author, Buster was a teacher, Francine was a businesswoman, George owned the Sugar Bowl, Binky is a TV Weatherman, Muffy was running for mayor, and DW was a cop.
Why can't The Berenstain Bears do something like that? Brother could be a writer married to Bonnie Brown, Sister could be in collage, Honey in Elementary or Jr. high. Cousin Freddy could be a scientist, Barry could be working cars, Too-Tall and his gang could be (instead of bully related) be cops or something civil.
What do you all think?
Did the Bear family have real names or where they really Papa, Mama, Brother and Sister?
What about Honey Bear?