Berenstain Bears Wiki
Berenstain Bears Wiki

Cindy is a minor character in The Berenstain Bears. She only appeared in the episode "The Berenstain Bears and the Slumber Party".


Cindy is a teenage bear of middling height. She wears a long-sleeved granny apple ringer shirt with matching pants. She also has an azure blue hair band, red-frame glasses, and a necklace with a red and yellow pendant.


In her only appearance, Cindy was babysitting for Lizzy Bruin while her parents went out for the night. While Cindy was aware that Sister, Lizzy, Anna, and Millie were having a sleepover, she became worried when Stacie, Karen, and Queenie showed up for the slumber party.

Just as the slumber party commences, Cindy tries to keep things in order by stopping the girls from making a mess of things, which she was unable to do so. Just as Too-Tall, Skuzz, and Smirk showed up, Cindy's patience started to wear thin when Too-Tall played the music on his boom box at a high volume, intentionally drowning Cindy out. When Cindy yelled out "QUIET!!!", everything came to a standstill just as Mr. and Mrs. Bruin come home.


Cindy is a kind and caring babysitter. She knows when the cubs she babysits are having fun, but she also makes sure that they don't get themselves hurt. However, she does have a stern side to her, as she yelled out when Too-Tall and his friends crashed the party by playing loud heavy metal music.

