Berenstain Bears Wiki
Berenstain Bears Wiki
Mr. Dweebish





Mr. Dweebish is a minor character in the Berenstain Bears series. He only appeared in The Berenstain Bears and the Red-Handed Thief, a Big Chapter Book.


Mr. Dweebish is a social studies teacher who has taught at both Bear Country School and Big Bear City University. One day, he heads to Bear Country School to get the students interested in chaos and anarchy and teaches them the importance of being innocent until proven guilty.

He demonstrates the latter by breaking into many lockers and stealing things, such as Barry Bruin's baseball cards and Sister's Bear Scout flashlight, while nobody was looking, causing many of the cubs to accuse Too-Tall of taking them. However, Brother, Sister, and Cousin Freddy catch him in the act when they plant a red paint bomb inside Brother's locker, causing Mr. Dweebish to get coated with red paint when he opened it. He then reveals he took the cubs' belongings just to teach Too-Tall what it was like to be accused of a crime he didn't commit.

Mr. Dweebish then states he was going back to Big Bear City University after explaining to Mr. Honeycomb what happened.
