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The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings
Season 1, Episode 7b
Series: The Berenstain Bears (2002)
Count Their Blessings
Air date September 18, 2002 (Treehouse TV)
January 7, 2003 (PBS)
Written by Bridget Newson
Directed by Scott Glynn & Gary Hurst
Preceded by
The Berenstain Bears Out for the Team
Followed by
The Berenstain Bears and the Slumber Party

“Mama: Small bears get big eyes when they take off and roam.
Papa: And sometimes forget all the good stuff at home.”

Opening quote

The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings is the second segment of the seventh episode in season 1 of The Berenstain Bears. It first aired on Treehouse TV on September 18, 2002, and later on PBS on January 7, 2003. It is based on the book of the same name.


Brother and Sister are jealous of the things Lizzy and Cousin Freddy has, the former having more Bearbie dolls and the latter having more video games. When they get home, they ask Mama and Papa if they could get more Bearbie dolls for Sister and more video games for Brother. Mama and Papa teach their cubs about "counting their blessings", meaning to be thankful for what they got instead of forever wanting more.


Sister is playing with her Bearbie doll in the sandbox when Lizzy calls her over to show her the new Horseback Bearbie doll. Lizzy invites Sister over to play, with Mama giving her permission as she runs inside the house. As Sister gets her things, Mama already anticipates what Sister is going to ask her as she mops the kitchen. Papa, who enters from the front door, overhears Mama and goes into the kitchen. He also anticipates Brother asking for video games that Cousin Freddy has as he mops the foyer.

Meanwhile at the Bruins' house, Lizzy and Sister are having a fashion show in Lizzy's room, with Lizzy using a Cruise Ship Bearbie doll and Sister using a Medical Bearbie doll. At Cousin Freddy's house, he and Brother are playing a racing video game, with Cousin Freddy winning. Brother is upset since he doesn't have the game. Instead, Cousin Freddy introduces Brother to Dino Battle, which excites Brother. Back at the Bruins', Sister takes Deep-Sea Bearbie across the stage and says that the fashion show is over. However, Lizzy pulls out a box containing more Bearbie dolls. At Cousin Freddy's, his and Brother's game of Dino Battle wrap up, with Cousin Fred attacking Brother's character with a spiked tail. As Freddy gets up to stretch, he and Brother notice several dark clouds moving in. Brother tells Freddy he should get home and leaves.

At Lizzy's house, while Sister struts Horseback Bearbie on their stage, she and Lizzy notice the dark clouds moving in. Sister takes her Bearbie doll with her and leaves. The cubs meet up on a dirt road and walk home together while sharing the fun times they had with one another. Brother is convinced to ask Mama and Papa to buy him more video games and Sister thinks about asking them to buy her seven or eight Bearbie dolls. It suddenly starts raining and the cubs race home. Mama and Papa watch as Brother and Sister come inside from the storm. Seeing how wet they are, Mama gets a towel and dries both Brother and Sister off. While doing so, Sister tells Mama about the fun she had at Lizzy's house, as the girls played with the numerous Bearbie dolls Lizzy has, and Brother talks about the video games and double action joysticks Cousin Freddy has.

Mama and Papa, who are fed up with the cubs' complaining, teach them the importance of counting their blessings, such as having a strong treehouse that protects the Bear family from bad storms, which Brother and Sister realize. Suddenly, the wind starts picking up outside. Mama, Brother, and Sister scramble about the treehouse closing doors while Papa races outside to his workshop and closes the door. Later, the Bear family gathers in the living room and the cubs are thankful they have their parents. Suddenly, the power in the treehouse goes out, and Papa goes to light the fireplace. Once he does so, Mama makes the family some hot cocoa with marshmallows. Brother and Mama share more blessings such as having plenty of food to eat and drink, and having friends to play with.

The lightning again flashes, scaring Sister. Papa teaches the cubs how to measure the distance between light and sound, as the former moves faster than the latter, and the sound is one mile away for every five seconds they count. The cubs try it out as the lightning flashes, with the sound of thunder moving away. That night in bed, as the cubs say good night to Mama, Sister counts her blessings and gives Mama a good night hug. Downstairs, the power comes back on and Mama meets up with Papa in the living room. When Mama sits on the couch, a spring comes loose and she pushes it back in. She and Papa share their wants, with Mama wanting a new couch and Papa wanting a new recliner. Papa, however, realizes that he and Mama should count their blessings as they cuddle each other.


Differences From the Book[]

  • The episode began with Sister asking Mama if she could go visit Lizzy. In the book, Sister was already at Lizzy's house.
  • In the book, Brother and Sister manage to get home before the rain started. In the episode, it rained as they made their way up the road.
  • Near the end of the book, Brother was playing his GameBear video game while Sister went to play with her dolls. In the episode, they get ready for bed and the power came back on and Mama and Papa sit on the couch.


  • When Sister goes to Lizzie's house, she takes a bag of Bearbie clothes with her, yet when she goes home she doesn't even have it with her.
  • When Brother and Sister are counting together, Brother's mouth does not move although he is heard.


