Berenstain Bears Wiki
Berenstain Bears Wiki

Mama: Small bears get big eyes when they take off and roam,

Papa: And sometimes forget all the good stuff at home.

Sister: Bearbie, you've discovered the lost temple! They said it couldn't be done! You'll be famous!

Lizzy: Sister! Look what I have!

Sister: Hi, Lizzy! What is it?

Lizzy: Horseback Bearbie!

Sister: Wow! Another new one.

Lizzy: Do you wanna come over to my house and play with her?

Sister: Sure! I'll just ask Mama.

Sister: Mama, can I go play Bearbies at Lizzy's?

Mama: Did Lizzy invite you?

Sister: Yes! She's waiting for me outside.

Mama: Alright! Have fun.

Sister: I will for sure! She has a new doll.

Mama: Another new one?

Sister: That's what I said. Talk about lucky. She has tons of Bearbie dolls. And I only have one. Well, see you later, Mama!

Mama: Goodbye... I know what I'm going to have to listen to when Sister gets home... "Gee, Mama, Lizzy has so many Bearbie dolls! She even has Cruiseship Bearbie with seventeen outfits! Why can't I have more Bearbies than just one? And that's just Lizzy..."

Papa: Hmm, talking to yourself. Not a good sign.

Mama: Oh, you're right, I'm being silly. But Sister is playing Bearbies with Lizzy again, and I know what's going to happen when she gets home.

Papa: Oh? What's that?

Mama: It's the same every time. She complains she doesn't have all the things her friends have. With Lizzy, it's Bearbies. With Anna, it's a phone in her bedroom. And Queenie has a telephone and a TV in her room.

Papa: Hey, I don't even have a TV in my room! Hmm... but Sister has a Bearbie, and a whole lot of things her friends don't have.

Mama: I know, but she just thinks about what she doesn't have.

Papa: And I suppose it won't be much different with Brother when he gets home from Cousin Fred's.

Mama: Oh, we'll hear all about the video games Freddy has.

Papa: Right, but he won't talk about the soccer ball or action figures he does have.

Mama: Nevermind the pile of comic books up in his room.

Papa: Nope, he won't mention those at all... *sighs*

Mama: Oh, you missed a spot.

Papa: Hey, how did I end up with this job?

Lizzy: Let the Bearbie fashion show begin. Here, we have beautiful, Cruiseship Bearbie. Isn't she lovely? And an exquisite ballroom gown. And matching gloves. Thank you, Bearbie!

Sister: Yes, yes, thank you. And who do we have here? Who else could it be but Medical Bearbie? Her stunning full-length lab coat and stethoscope are what all of us doctors will be wearing this spring!

Lizzy and Sister: *laughing*

Brother: Ha! Told you.

Cousin Fred: Not for long.

Brother: Argh, not again!

Cousin Fred: You were a lot better than last time.

Brother: You'll always be better than me... I can't practice at home because I don't have that game.

Cousin Fred: I have a feeling this is gonna be your lucky game. I just got it yesterday.

Brother: What is it?

Cousin Fred: Dino Battle!

Brother: Alright!

Sister: Let's give Deep Sea Bearbie a big hand. And that brings us to the end of our fashion show!

Lizzy: No, it doesn't! I have lots more Bearbie dolls!

Sister: You have more?

Brother: Watch out, Freddy! My giant teeth are like a steel trap!

Cousin Fred: Uh-uh-uh! Bad move, Brother! You forgot about my spiked tail.

Brother: Aww...

Cousin Fred: That one was really close!

Brother: Ugh... that's the last time I choose the Tyrannosaurus Wrecker...

Cousin Fred: *yawns* Yup, the Triceratops has one mean tail. Wow, look at those clouds!

Brother: Woah! Uh, I think I should go home. See ya, Freddy!

Cousin Fred: But we haven't played Asteroid Attack!

Lizzy: Here, Sister. You can model my new one.

Sister: Okay, thanks, Lizzy. And here is the lovely Horseback Bearbie! Or should we say- Bow-Legged Bearbie!

Sister: *laughs* You've been sitting in the saddle too long, Bearbie!

Lizzy: *laughs* Ooh, thunder.

Sister: *gasps* Look at those clouds! I'd better get going.

Lizzy: Are you sure? We're having so much fun!

Sister: No, it's going to rain. Come on, Bearbie! She hates to get wet. Bye!

Lizzy: Bye.

Brother: Hey, where were you?

Sister: Playing Bearbies at Lizzy's. We had a fashion show, just like a real one. She has almost every Bearbie you can buy!

Brother: I was at Freddy's exercising my lighting-fast reflexes. Zip, zap, kapowie!

Sister: *laughs* And did Cousin Fred beat the pants off you again?

Brother: Uh-huh, as usual. It's time to convince Mama and Papa to buy me some new games.

Sister: I think I need some more Bearbies. I don't need as many as Lizzie; just seven or eight would be fine.

Brother: *gasps* Uh oh.

Sister: Run for it!

Mama: It's starting to rain. In fact, it looks like a big storm's coming.

Papa: I think you're right. Here come Brother and Sister now. I'm afraid we're in for a storm of complaints.

Mama: Well, maybe this time will be different.

Brother and Sister: *sighing*

Mama: Oh! I'm glad you're back!

Sister: We almost beat the rain...

Brother: But not quite.

Mama: Let's get you both dried off.

Sister: I almost didn't notice the dark clouds; we were having so much fun!

Mama: That's nice...

Sister: You should see all the Bearbies Lizzy has. She's so lucky. Whatever she wants, she gets! She has Cruiseship Bearbie, and Horseback Bearbie, and Medical Bearbie!

Brother: And you should see all the video games Cousin Freddy has. He's even got two new double-action joysticks! I don't have any of that stuff. Zip, zam, zowie! You should see them, they're amazing!

Sister: And Lizzie has all the best clothes!

Papa: Cubs. Cubs. Cubs!

Mama: Listen to yourselves. All you can do is complain about what you don't have.

Papa: What about being thankful for all the things you do have?

Brother and Sister: Huh?

Mama: It's called "counting your blessings".

Sister: Blessings?

Brother: Like what?

Brother and Sister: *screams*

Mama: Like this strong, cozy house that protects us against the weather. That's one blessing.

Brother: I'm glad I'm not outside.

Sister: Me too.

Papa: This storm looks like a doozy... we'd better batten down the hatches.

Mama: I'll run upstairs and close all the windows, you cubs check the living room.

Brother and Sister: *grunts of effort*

Sister: I'm glad we're not here all alone.

Brother: Me too.

Brother and Sister: *screams*

Mama: We have each other. That's another blessing.

Brother and Sister: *sighs, then screams*

Sister: Uh oh...

Mama: And you have a Papa who knows how to make a fire in the fireplace?

Papa: Good idea.

Brother: Thanks, Papa.

Papa: No trouble at all. And here's another blessing.

Sister: What?

Papa: You have a Mama who makes a great cup of cocoa.

Mama: Yes, another good idea.

Brother: Mmm, it smells good, Mama.

Mama: You have plenty to eat and drink. That's another blessing.

Brother: And we have friends to play with.

Papa: That's a very good blessing.

All: *gasps*

Sister: That seemed really close.

Papa: Nothing to worry about, it was more than a mile away.

Brother: How can you tell?

Papa: Ooh, I have a way of knowing these things. Call it "bear intuition" if you like.

Sister: Huh?

Papa: Alright. You just have to count the seconds between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder. The sound of the thunder travels much slower than the light from the lightning. It's one mile away for every five seconds you count between the two.

Brother: One, two, three, four, five-

Sister: Five. It's one mile away.

Papa: That's right.

Brother and Sister: One, two, three, four, five-

Mama: Good night, cubs.

Brother: Good night, Mama.

Sister: Six, seven- goodnight, Mama. Eight-

Mama: The storm is over now, Sister. There won't be any more thunder or lightning.

Sister: I'm not counting the thunder, I'm counting my blessings.

Mama: You are?

Sister: I have eight already, and I'm not finished yet.

Mama: You do have lots of things to be thankful for.

Sister: A big, safe house, food to eat, friends to play with, a family who loves me- *yawns*

SIster: A Bearbie doll-

Mama: And a good night hug?

Sister: Yes, please.

Mama: Oh, the power's back on.

Papa: I think I liked it better off.

Mama: *laughs* Oh, me too.

Mama: Oh dear, another spring has come loose. I think I'd like a new sofa.

Papa: A Lazy Bear recliner would be nice too.

Mama: Oh yes, two of those.

Papa: Ha-ha, I think we should count our blessings, too.
