Berenstain Bears Wiki

[The episode fade opens at the supermarket and the title appears]

Mama Bear: [narrating]When the cubs' behavior takes a turn for the worst, it's hard for parents to know what to do first.[The Bear family arrives at the supermarket by car]

Sister Bear: Did you bring the shopping list, Papa?

Papa Bear: [Grabbing the shopping list out] I've got it right here. It's a long one today.

Sister Bear: I hope the new Peanut Butter and Jelly All-in-one jar is on my list.

[The Camera slides right to Brother Bear.]

Brother Bear: And the new Purple Catsup.

Papa Bear: Purple Catsup! Who ever heard of Purple Catsup?

[The Bear family exits the car]

Mama Bear: If it's new, the cubs have heard of it.

Papa Bear: (sighs) And want to buy it.

[The scene cuts to the store as the Bear family enters with automatic doors open]

Mama Bear: [holding the list] Now, remember what I told you in the car: We're here to buy groceries, that all. [The automatic doors close] So no asking for toys or treats. Is that understood? [Mama looks shocked as she looked at the right] Huh?

Papa Bear: Uh oh. It's looks like we're off to a bad start.

[The camera slides to Brother and Sister looking at the machines]

Brother Bear: Wow, Rainbow Gob-busters!

Sister Bear: Cool!

Brother Bear: Whoa! Check this out, Sister! They have Spy Bear Decoder Rings.

Sister Bear: And Bearbie stickers.

Mama Bear: [offscreen] Ahem.

Brother Bear: I want one of those rings, Mama.

Sister Bear: I want some stickers.

Mama Bear: Now what did I just tell you on the way here?

Brother Bear: [thinking] Uh... Um... Well, Uh...

Sister Bear: [thinking] Um, I forget.

Mama Bear: (sighs) That were not here to buy treats. Now, come along.

[both Brother and Sister walk to Mama]

Mama Bear: [turns her head to the left] Why, isn't that nice?

Papa Bear: Mm-Hm. It's a fine idea.

Brother Bear: What's a fine idea?

Mama Bear: The store has put these donation displays here to remind everyone to give to the different charities of our community. [the camera slides right on donation carts].

Papa Bear: You two might think about donating some of the toys you've outgrown to the sick cubs' hospital.

Brother Bear: Hey, what's that?

[Brother and Sister running to the treat place]

Sister Bear: Oh.

Brother Bear: Look. New Marshmallow-Chocolate Bears! [Brother and sister take one chocolate bear each while Mama and Papa came to see]

Sister Bear: Can we have one? Please? Please?

Mama Bear: You know the answer. Now, put those back.

Brother Bear: (sadly) Aww...okay. [Brother and sister put the bears back]

Sister Bear: (sighs) All right. [they walk away sadly]

Mama Bear: I can see this shopping trip is going to be the same as all the others. [Mama walks while the camera left-zooms at Papa].

Papa Bear: Hmm! Marshmallow and chocolate. [Mama grabs his shoulder] Oh!

[The scene fades to the aisles of honey and Papa picks a honey jar and puts it in the cart]

Papa Bear: Mmm! Two jars of honey.

Mama Bear: [holding on the shopping list looking, then looking at Papa] Two? I only have one on my list.

Papa Bear: [looking at Mama] We do through go a lot of honey, honey.

Mama Bear: We do go through a lot of honey, honey. [the camera zooms at Papa's stomach] I think one jar is enough.

Papa Bear: How about this one? [Papa licks his lips while getting a big jar of honey]

Mama Bear: Papa...

Papa Bear: Okay. It's true what they say about grocery shopping: [Papa puts the big jar of honey back to the aisle] You should never do it on an empty stomach.

Brother Bear: (offscreen) Wow! Neat! [The scene changes to Brother holding a frisbee] Glow in the dark flyers! [the camera zooms out and then slides to left when Mama and Papa come to Brother] This would be lots of fun to play with at night. [Brother looks at Mama and ask her] Can I get it?

Mama Bear: No! [The camera changes to the front of Mama] I told you not more than 10 minutes ago that-- [Mama looks at Sister at the back]

Sister Bear: [bringing an bouncy fruit] Mama, Papa, can I get this?

Papa Bear: An apple? Sure.

Sister Bear: Thanks. [she throws the bouncy fruit down as it bounces up]

Papa Bear: Careful, now. You'll bruise it.

Sister Bear: [keeps bouncing] It's not a real apple, Papa. [catches it after stops playing] It's bouncy fruit. Neat, huh? [The camera switches to sadness of Mama and Papa, except Brother thinking about toys] They've got bouncy oranges, and bouncy pears, and bouncy bananas.

Brother Bear: Hey, if Sister can have bouncy fruit, then... [Brother hold the Frisbee on the right with his right arm up] then I can have this! [Mama takes the frisbee and bouncy fruit.]

Mama Bear: Now listen, you two: It's not your birthday, and it's not Christmas, and it's giving cubs a treat day. [Then, handing the toys to Brother and Sister] So, you can put these toys back right now.

Brother and Sister Bear: (Sadly) Aww.

Papa: Giving cubs a treat day, when's that?

Mama: There's no such thing. But the way Brother and Sister carry on, you'd think it was every day of the year.

[The scene fades to the Checkout section in the store, while Brother and Sister go and look at the candy aisle.]

Sister: Mmm, look it all the candy.

Brother: I know. It's hard to know what to pick. Ask Mama if we get something.

Sister: You ask!

Brother: No. You ask!

Sister: We'll both ask.

Brother: Okay.

[Brother and Sister go to the Checkout section to ask Mama]

Brother & Sister: Mama, can we get something?

Mama: Yes, you can. I forgot pick up scouring pads. Can you hurry over to aisle 3 and get a package?

Brother & Sister: (Sadly) Aww. [They walked sadly to Aisle 3 in the store.]

[The scene fades to outside where Brother and Sister are walking to the car]

Brother: Well, that was a fun trip.

Sister: I know! We spent all that time grocery shopping and all we got were groceries.

Brother: Wait a minute, look!

Stranger (offscreen; revealing as the Kitty Cat seller): Aw, come on, folks.

Stranger Guy: Get your adorable kitty cats here, folks.

Stranger Guy: They're cute. They're cuddly. They won't last long.

Papa: [walking with the shopping cart filled with 2 bags] They won't last long, all right.

Brother: I want one, mister.

Sister: These are great.

Brother: These are cool.

Papa: Now, just hold on. We didn't come here to buy toys.

Mama: Papa's right, remember what I told you about buying toys and treats.

Brother: But, that's what we're getting our groceries, we're finished now.

Sister: (ready for trouble for squeezing rubber pussycats) And look at how cute they are.

Stranger Guy: Aw, come on, folks, why don't buy a cubs a treat.

Sister: Oh, Papa, I appreciate it ever, ever so much.

Stranger lady: Oh, she's such an adorable cub.

Stranger lady: But, how can I say no to a face look that.

Papa: (growling at the cubs about rubber pussycats like a lion) Oh, all right! (he grumbles to embarrassing for buying a rubber pussycats with a dollar, but the money is tight like a lion for summer present, because we are running out of money)

Stranger Guy: Thank you very much, sir. And have a great day.

Papa: You're welcome.

Sister: Thanks, Papa.

Brother: Thank you, Papa.

[At the treehouse, the Bear family arrives]

Papa: Of all the outrageous, embarrassing, shameful behavior! That was the worst case of the galloping gimmies you have ever seen.

Mama: You're right, papa. But perhaps is our fault for giving in.

Papa: What can we do with our strangers looking at us. I think it's time we have a talk with our cubs. (The cubs are putting rubber pussycats in our bedroom, but it's time for family meeting time) Brother! Sister!

Cubs: Yes, Papa.

Papa: Into the living room, please. It's time for a family meeting. (Brother & Sister is very mean and grouchy about toys and the cubs are getting in trouble) There are more important things in this world, that getting as many treats than you can get your hands on. Greedy cubs, who only think of themselves can never really be happy. Do you know why?

Cubs: No.

Papa: (You need to save money for vacation in June.) Because, you can't get everything in want in life all the time; do you understand?

Cubs: Yes.

Mama: And furthermore, it's good to think of other sometimes instead of just yourselves.

Papa: Good.

Mama: Grans and Gramps are here.

Papa: I can't believe, you, too. You didn't even say, hello. Now, that's it! Up to your room. And they will be no treats for a week! A month! A year !
