Berenstain Bears Wiki

“Special music's in the air and Santa's at the mall. What do the little bears make of it all?”
Opening quote

The Berenstain Bears Meet Santa Bear is a book in the Berenstain Bears series. It was first published in 1984.


Two days after Thanksgiving, the Bear Family head to the Bear County Mall, which is already decorated for Christmas. Mama becomes very concerned and worried about her cubs' behavior. Papa believes that Mama is over-protective about the cubs' behavior because he believes that Brother and Sister are good cubs but he is wrong because Brother and Sister, having seen Saturday morning toy commercials earlier that day, see said toys in a nearby toy shop, and grow excited and jumpy, forgetting the true meaning of Christmas in the process. Sister has her eyes on a hugging teddy bear, a pink toy pony, and some gooey play clay among other things, while Brother has his eyes on an acrobatic robot and a dinosaur molding kit.

Sister Bear becomes even more excited about getting to meet Santa Bear, and makes a long list of things she wanted for Christmas. Brother sees her list, and warns her that she's getting greedy, and Santa might not bring her anything if she acts greedy, as he has lots of cubs to think about besides Sister; all the cubs in the world, and Sister becomes nervous. As Brother writes his list, a shorter one, mentioning the robot, the dinosaur kit, and some surprises, he mentions a previous visit Santa who asked if he was good, and asked what he wanted for Christmas. At this, Sister becomes even more nervous as to whether or not she's been good enough for Santa's expectations, recalling previous incidents where she acted bad, like allowing her room to get trashed, breaking Mama's lamp and lying about it, and fighting with Brother, but Mama Bear and Papa Bear tell her not to worry, as Santa Bear doesn't expect cubs to be perfect, just good in general. Sister questions if they plan on writing Christmas lists for Santa, but they tell her Santa is only for cubs, not adults. Sister then revises her list, making a shorter one, only mentioning the toy pony, the teddy bear, the play clay, and some surprises.

Sister questions how Mama and Papa will get any gifts, but Brother tells her that presents for Mama and Papa was their job and they secretly get money for Christmas shopping. The next day, as Sister and Brother visit Santa Bear, Sister tells him, she's not perfect but has been generally good, what she wants for Christmas and she gives him, her list, and he gives her (and Brother) a coloring book. Sister and Brother purchase Mama and Papa great gifts afterwards. They get a pincushion and special Breakfast Tea for Mama, and a scrubbing brush and a calculator for Papa. As they leave the mall, the family observes another skinnier Santa ringing a bell requesting donations for the needy, and the family donates.

On Christmas Eve, Sister asks Papa questions about Santa, like how can he visit so many kids in one night, or where he gets his presents, and how can he fit through a skinny chimney. Papa tells her that the true meaning of Christmas is giving, and that Santa has an important job. The next day, she and Brother find the things they wanted for Christmas along with Papa and Mama, and everyone celebrates the true meaning of Christmas.

