Berenstain Bears Wiki

“Even little bears expect a good fright when they go out for treats on Halloween night.”
Opening quote

The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat is a book in the Berenstain Bears First Time Books series. It was published on August 12, 1989.

This book was adapted into an episode of the same name for the 2002 animated series The Berenstain Bears.


Brother and Sister Bear are excited for Halloween, as it's the first year they're going trick-or-treating without adult supervision and are accompanying Cousin Freddy, Lizzy Bruin and Queenie McBear so they're not alone. But they're also reluctant to stop by old Miz McGrizz's house on Crooked Lane, as they heard rumors she's a nasty old witch, but Mama assures them that's not the case. Indeed, when the cubs go trick-or-treating and are directed to Crooked Lane by Too-Tall and his gang, they learn Miz McGrizz is actually a nice old lady with candied apples for the trick-or-treaters, thus proving Mama's lesson that "appearances can be deceiving".


