Berenstain Bears Wiki
The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat
Season 1, Episode 5b
Series: The Berenstain Bears (2002)
Trick or Treat
Air date October 30, 2002 (Treehouse TV)
January 21, 2003 (PBS)
Written by Ben Joseph
Directed by Scott Glynn & Gary Hurst
Preceded by
The Berenstain Bears and Too Much TV
Followed by
The Berenstain Bears and Trouble With Money

“Things aren't always quite what they seem when bears go out for treats on Halloween.”
Mama Bear

The Berenstain Bears Trick or Treat is the second segment of the fifth episode in season one of The Berenstain Bears. It first aired on Treehouse TV on October 30, 2002, and later on PBS on January 21, 2003. It is based on the book of the same name.


The Bear cubs and their friends are going trick-or-treating, but they think that one of the neighbors is a witch! Will they escape with their lives, or will they get over their fears of Widder Jones?


The episode starts off with Brother and Sister out walking, feeling excited for Halloween. But, they noticed Widder Jones' house, Brother told Sister that some rumours has it that Widder Jones turns cubs into statues. Then, they see Widder Jones' silhouette and ran away.

On the week near Halloween, Mama Bear comes home with groceries-candy for trick-or-treaters. Brother and Sister try to surprise Mama by dressing into their costumes, and they manage to do so. Papa comes down with a pumpkin on his head but trips when he cannot see anything. On Halloween when the cubs make a map of their planned trick or treat route, Mama points out they missed her best friend Widder Jones' house Brother and Sister reveal they did that on purpose as they believe Widder Jones is a spooky, cruel witch. Mama Bear tries to tell them that Widder Jones isn't a witch but a very nice woman but fails to convince them. Mama does tell the cubs Widder Jones has a special treat for the trick or treaters and that the cubs should pay her a visit.

That night Brother and Sister and their friends Fred (as a pirate) and Lizzy Bruin (as a Dracula) go trick or treating, but just when they leave the curb to their house they meet Too-Tall Grizzly and his gang. They learn that Too-Tall and his gang have only accepted on going trick-or-treating under a mistaken belief that it is more fun and is about playing mean harsh tricks on older people.

The cubs are worried when Too-Tall gives them an invitation to play tricks with them on Widder Jones and just before Too-Tall and his gang can start tricking Widder Jones, Too Tall steps on a rope which sends out a huge spider, which scared them away. Then, Widder Jones comes out, and the cubs try to run, but, Brother narrowly escapes and wonders where Sister, Fred and Lizzy disappeared to. He comes back and knocks over a statue and thinks it's Lizzie but sees Sister and Cousin Fred in the house. He sneaks in and tries to get them out before Widder Jones returns but they explain that she really is nice even showing the pictures of her and Mama. Lizzie comes in and says that Widder Jones has decorated her bathroom. Jones comes in with Carmel Apples, she tells the cubs Halloween is her favorite holiday as she gets to dress up and give candy to all the cubs.

Widder Jones opens the door and realized that no one’s here. Then, they see a roll of toilet paper pop out, Brother realized that Too Tall and his Gang are only here for the tricks. Widder Jones pulls every trick she has to scare Too Tall and his gang away. First, she pulls a rope, Too Tall, Smirk and Skuzz pop out from a bush and vampire bats attack them and they ran away from them. Next, Widder Jones pulls another rope, Too Tall, Smirk and Skuzz pop out from behind a tree and three ghosts appear and the boys get scared. Then, Brother helps Widder Jones pulls off the third and final trick, he flicks a light switch and skeletons appear and Too Tall and his gang got scared and ran away. After coming home, Brother and Sister show off their candy and say they paid Widder Jones a visit and had fun. Papa impressed with their Candy Apples decides to go and get some himself with his Jack o lantern head saying you're never too old to go Trick or Treating.



Brother: It's Too-Tall and his gang! They're not here for treats, just the tricks!

Widder Jones: I understand perfectly! And I am more happy to oblige. Watch this! (Pulls a rope)

(Too-Tall and his gang pop out of the bush as vampire bats appear.)

Too-Tall: Watch Out! Vampire bats! They're after us!

Smirk: Ahh! Get away!

Skuzz: Ahh! They're gonna get us!

All: (Laughing).

Brother: Wow! That'll teach them!

Lizzie: But, they're still coming back!

Widder Jones: Maybe they wants some more tricks! (Pulls another rope)

(Too-Tall and his gang pop out from behind a tree, as ghosts appear.)

Too-Tall and his Gang: Ghosts! (Screaming).

All: (Laughing).

Widder Jones: So, Brother. How would you like to play the final trick!

Brother: Okay.

Widder Jones: Just turn this on and watch the fun!

Brother: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! (Flicks a switch)

Skuzz: This isn't much fun as I thought it would be!

(Suddenly, skeletons appear out of nowhere.)

Too-Tall and his gang: (Screaming).

Too-Tall: Let’s get out of here!

Too-Tall and his gang: (Screaming).

All: (Laughing).

Too-Tall and his Gang: (Screaming).

Differences from the Book:[]

  • The book started with Mama coming home with the groceries, but the episode started with Brother and Sister planning which houses they will trick or treat at but decide to skip Widder Jones's (in the book, she was named Mizz McGrizz)
  • The book began on the day before Halloween, but the episode began on Halloween.
  • Queenie does not appear in the episode like she did in the book.
  • Papa does not give Mama, Brother, and Sister a Halloween scare in the book.
  • The scene with Papa lighting up the jack-o'lantern was omitted in the episode.
  • In the book, Lizzy dressed as a skeleton, but in the episode, she dressed as a Dracula-esque vampire.
  • In the book Brother wore a plastic monster face mask resembling a dragon, but in the episode, he wore a red eye mask.
  • In the book Brother, Sister, Lizzy, and Freddy met Too-Tall and his gang before they started trick or treating, but in the episode, they met them after they started trick or treating.
  • In the episode Widder Jones was wearing a witch costume, but in the book, she wasn't.
  • In the episode, Brother runs away from Widder Jones's house, loses Sister, Lizzy, and Freddy, bumps into a vampire statue, and assumes Widder Jones turned Lizzy into a statue. Then he sees Sister, Lizzy, and Freddy in Widder Jones's house, climbs in, and learns Widder Jones isn't a witch. This wasn't in the book.
  • Widder Jones does not show a photo of her and Mama at a knitting club in the book.
  • In the book, Widder Jones give Too-Tall and his gang some candy apples, but in the episode, she, along with Brother, scared them away with her Halloween directions.
  • Papa does not go trick or treating at the end of the book.

