“Every cub, if it's up to her or him, can think of an excuse to get out of gym.”
—Opening quote for The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note
The Berenstain Bears and the Excuse Note is a book in The Berenstain Bears series. It was originally published in 1993 as part of the "Cub Club" series and was re-released on September 4, 2001 as part of the "First Time Books" series.
While the book was released in two different series of the Berenstain Bears, they both share the same premise. Additionally, the Cub Club version of the book was adapted into an episode of the same name for the 2002 animated series The Berenstain Bears.
Sister loves school, but the one thing she can't stand is gym, where she becomes hot, sweaty, and sore after exercising. While getting off the bus one day, Sister twists her ankle and has Mama write her an excuse note from participating in gym class for a few days. When Sister's ankle heals, Teacher Jane catches on and Sister gripes to herself about her ankle healing. Mama, overhearing Sister's complaints, teaches her daughter why physical exercise is just as important as brain exercise.
Cub Club version[]
Sister likes going to school, writing, reading, and numbers. However, the one thing she didn't like was gym class, where she and her classmates had to do jumping jacks, deep-knee bends, and the duck walk. One day, as Brother and Sister got home from school, Sister slipped off the bus and twisted her ankle. She then limps inside the house and Mama puts some ice on Sister's ankle to bring down the swelling.
The next morning at breakfast, Sister tells Mama her ankle still hurts and Mama wraps a bandage around it. Sister then asks Mama to write her an excuse note for gym, which Mama agrees to. At school later that same day, Sister sat in a chair and watched as her classmates did exercises. Suddenly, during lunch break, Sister's ankle was no longer sore, as she was outside running, jumping, and climbing trees. Teacher Jane, who was hiding behind a tree, throws Sister her excuse note that was folded into a paper airplane. After school, Sister takes her ankle bandage off and tells Mama how much she hates gym and how it's of no use to her.
Mama, while being understanding to Sister's plight, explains to her that physical exercise is just as important as reading, writing, and numbers, as it benefits her running, jumping, and climbing. Sister accepted the fact it was part of school and she had to do it. After a few days, Teacher Jane noted how much Sister had improved and selects her to lead the class in jumping jacks, deep-knee bends, and the duck walk.
First Time Books[]
Sister likes school, her teacher, and schoolwork. What she doesn't like, however, is gym. When Teacher Jane announces to her class that it's time for gym, the students, including Sister, groaned. After doing jumping jacks, deep-knee bends, and the duck walk, Sister and her classmates pushed the tables and chairs back in place, with Sister thinking how much nicer school would be without that "dopey, useless gym".
One day, as Brother and Sister were coming home from school, Sister stepped off the bus and twisted her ankle. She then limped into the house where Mama placed ice on her swollen ankle. The next morning, Sister limped into the kitchen and Mama puts a support bandage on her ankle, and Sister asks her to write her a note excusing her from gym. Later at school, it was time for gym, and Sister gave Teacher Jane the excuse note. Sister then sat in a chair and watched her classmates do jumping jacks, deep knee bends, and the duck walk. Several days passed by as Sister sat and watched her classmates, but she didn't notice her ankle was no longer sore.
During lunchtime, Sister kicked a soccer ball that rolled toward her using the "sore ankle". Teacher Jane throws her the excuse note that had been folded into a paper airplane and lands it in front of Sister. Back at home, Sister took the bandage off her ankle and started complaining about how useless gym is. Mama takes Sister into her lap and explains that while mind exercise is good, body exercise is just as important as it makes her stronger and healthier, then adds that Sister should try to have fun because gym is part of school.
With Mama's advice, Sister started to complain less about gym and started to have fun. Eventually, Sister got so good at gym that Teacher Jane decided to let her lead the class in jumping jacks, deep knee bends, and the duck walk.
- Moral: Physical exercise is just as important as exercising your brain.
- Although Brother appears in both versions of the book, he does not speak at all.
- This is one of the few books where Papa doesn't appear.
- In the First Time Books version, Mama and Honey Bear make an appearance. Additionally, Mama wears her purple vest in the First Time Books version, but not in the Cub Club version.