Berenstain Bears Wiki

“Some papa bears are embarrassed by sentiment and pretend not to want a father's day present.”
Opening quote

The Berenstain Bears and the Papa's Day Surprise is a book in The Berenstain Bears series. It was published on April 22, 2003.


It's Father's Day and Papa has no interest in getting a gift, but Mama, Brother, and Sister have plans.


Father's Day is coming up soon, and Papa tells his wife and cubs to skip Father's Day because he thinks it's a scheme for people to go to the mall and buy gifts and Father's Day cards. Mama agrees, as she has a quilting bee coming up and the cubs' school year is coming to an end.

A few days later, Papa notices a male robin helping a female robin build a nest, then prattles about how the male robin is happy doing his job and doesn't need a special day. As Papa goes to put his tools away, he sees Brother and Sister in his workshop getting a special piece of designing paper and a roll of paper Papa uses when painting.

Father's Day was getting closer, and Papa was bored of hearing about it everywhere he went, with his opinion slowly wearing away the more he heard about it. However, a couple of days before Father's Day, Papa admits he was being selfish about Father's Day and allows his cubs to make a fuss of it. Mama didn't hear what he said, and picks up the phone as Mrs. Bruin calls her. When she hung up, Mama tells Papa that it was "quilting business", and when he asks about the cubs, Mama responds that Brother and Sister are at Cousin Freddy's house working on a scout project.

Papa then scrambled about the house looking if there were any Father's Day gifts, but he didn't find any. The day before Father's Day, Mama and the cubs were nowhere to be found, and he decides to act surprised. On Father's Day, Papa woke up to the smell of French-fried honeycomb coming from the kitchen. Mama tells him that it wasn't for him, but for "the new family down the road." Papa went outside to watch the male robin, who is now a father, feed his newly hatched baby chicks a worm. Suddenly, Mama and the cubs came out of the front door dressed and they all get into the family car and head to Grizzmore Grille, where the Papa's Day Surprise was being held.

Papa went to sit on the stage with the other father bears, and the cubs took turns reciting their poems to their dads, with Brother and Sister going first, followed by Lizzy Bruin to her dad, and Cousin Fred to his. After breakfast, the Bear family went back to their home to find a Bearcalounger for Papa to sit in. Baby Honey started to cry, and Papa fed her a bottle of milk as he sat in the Bearcalounger.
